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Osmotic Computing: Microservices In Cloud-Edge  Computing And IoT

Osmotic Computing: Microservices in Cloud-Edge Computing and IoT

Relatore: Prof. Massimo Villari, University of Messina
Luogo: Sala Riunioni – ICAR-CNR Via P. Bucci 7-11c – Arcavacata di Rende
Data: 09/02/2018 10:00 am

Abstract With the promise of potentially unlimited power and scalability, cloud computing (especially infrastructure as…

Educating Robots To Be Social And Ethical

Educating robots to be social and ethical

Relatore: Frank Dignum - Utrecht University; Virginia Dignum - Delft Institute Design for Values, TU Delft
Luogo: Area della ricerca di Palermo del C.N.R. in Via Ugo La Malfa 153.
Data: 24/01/2018 10:00 am

Il seminario si articolerà nei due interventi: “Be real, be social”, tenuto dal Prof. Frank…

Modelling And Simulation Based On Queueing-theoretic Results With Application To Performance Evaluation Of Modern Computer Systems

Modelling and simulation based on queueing-theoretic results with application to performance evaluation of modern computer systems

Relatore: prof. Rostislav Razumchik
Luogo: Sala riunioni dell'ICAR-CNR di Rende (Cubo 7/11C)
Data: 16/01/2018 11:00 am

Abbiamo il piacere di invitarvi al seminario che il prof. Rostislav Razumchik della RUDN University…

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