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Kick-off Del Progetto Europeo Smart Bear

Il Cnr-Icar è coordinatore del progetto europeo H2020 denominato “Smart Bear”, iniziato il 1 settembre 2019 e il cui kick-off meeting si svolgerà a Napoli il 23 e 24 settembre 2019.

Il progetto è risultato vincitore della call “Smart and healthy living at home” ed ha lo scopo di individuare, studiare e proporre soluzioni tecnologiche per combattere le minacce e i fattori che sono responsabili del deterioramento della salute e quindi per innalzare la qualità della vita degli anziani, avviando una campagna sperimentale di vasta scala sul territorio europeo.

La durata del progetto è fissata in 48 mesi e coinvolgerà 27 prestigiosi partner del mondo della ricerca e dell’industria. Il suo costo totale è stimato in oltre 22 milioni di euro.

Agenda Kick-off

September 23, 14:30 – 19:00

Project introduction (Project Coordinator – CNR, 15’) – to introduce kickoff participants and provide overall information about the project.

Call and Objectives (EU Project Officer, 15’) – to introduce the EU vision and the expected goals.

Technical Overview (Technical Coordinator – STS, 30’) – to introduce the SMART BEAR model and the overall approach to technical activities.

Clinical aspects (Clinical Coordinator – NKUA, 15’) – to briefly introduce the clinical aspects of the project and the coordination aspects of the associated trials.

Data protection aspects (Data Protection Officer – 2B, 15’) – to introduce the SMART BEAR data protection strategy and implementation.

Innovation aspects (Innovation Manager – LISPA, 15’) – to introduce the main innovation aspects of SMART BEAR in the context of the healthcare domain.

Coffee break (30’)

Partners’ presentation (27 partners, max 5’ each) – to present the consortium skills and contributions, with particular reference to the project context and objectives.

Dinner (at 20:00)

September 24, 9:30 – 12:30

Financial and Administrative information (CNR, 30’) – to introduce the main financial and administrative rules.

Requirements & Platform Design (ATC, 15’) – to introduce the overall approach to the design of the initial architecture and specification of the SMART BEAR solution.

Pilots (UMIL, ROP, CATEL, QUIRON, ANA, 5’ each) – to introduce the SMART BEAR pilots.

Coffee break (30’)

Dissemination (ICCS, 20’) – to introduce the approach to SMART BEAR dissemination and to setup initial activities for task 13.1.

Open discussion on project committees (CNR, STS, NKUA, 45’) – to instantiate project committees (PCC, PTC, PEC, AC, IPRC) and discuss their roles and responsibilities, and to schedule next project meeting.

A.O.B. and meeting closure (CNR, 15’) – final remarks and thanks.

Royal Continental Hotel - via Partenope, 38/44 Napoli
23/09/2019 2:30 pm
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