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Kick-off Del Progetto Europeo Smart Bear

Cnr-Icar is the coordinator of the European H2020 project called “Smart Bear”, which started on September 1st 2019 and whose kick-off meeting will take place in Naples on September 23rd and 24th 2019. The project won the call “Smart and healthy living at home” and aims to identify, study and propose technological solutions to fight the threats and factors responsible for the deterioration of health and raise the quality of life of the elderly. The project will launch a large-scale experimental campaign in Europe. The duration of the project is set at 48 months and will involve 27 prestigious partners. Its total cost is estimated at over 22 million euros.

Agenda Kick-off

September 23, 14:30 – 19:00

Project introduction (Project Coordinator – CNR, 15’) – to introduce kickoff participants and provide overall information about the project.

Call and Objectives (EU Project Officer, 15’) – to introduce the EU vision and the expected goals.

Technical Overview (Technical Coordinator – STS, 30’) – to introduce the SMART BEAR model and the overall approach to technical activities.

Clinical aspects (Clinical Coordinator – NKUA, 15’) – to briefly introduce the clinical aspects of the project and the coordination aspects of the associated trials.

Data protection aspects (Data Protection Officer – 2B, 15’) – to introduce the SMART BEAR data protection strategy and implementation.

Innovation aspects (Innovation Manager – LISPA, 15’) – to introduce the main innovation aspects of SMART BEAR in the context of the healthcare domain.

Coffee break (30’)

Partners’ presentation (27 partners, max 5’ each) – to present the consortium skills and contributions, with particular reference to the project context and objectives.

Dinner (at 20:00)

September 24, 9:30 – 12:30

Financial and Administrative information (CNR, 30’) – to introduce the main financial and administrative rules.

Requirements & Platform Design (ATC, 15’) – to introduce the overall approach to the design of the initial architecture and specification of the SMART BEAR solution.

Pilots (UMIL, ROP, CATEL, QUIRON, ANA, 5’ each) – to introduce the SMART BEAR pilots.

Coffee break (30’)

Dissemination (ICCS, 20’) – to introduce the approach to SMART BEAR dissemination and to setup initial activities for task 13.1.

Open discussion on project committees (CNR, STS, NKUA, 45’) – to instantiate project committees (PCC, PTC, PEC, AC, IPRC) and discuss their roles and responsibilities, and to schedule next project meeting.

A.O.B. and meeting closure (CNR, 15’) – final remarks and thanks.

Royal Continental Hotel - via Partenope, 38/44 Napoli
23/09/2019 2:30 pm
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