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Involved Laboratories:

Smart Data and Models;

Selected Publications:

Ermelinda Oro, Massimo Ruffolo. A Method for Querying Touristic Information Extracted from the Web. 22nd International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, 2017

Ermelinda Oro, Massimo Ruffolo. A Method for Web Content Extraction and Analysis in the Tourism Domain. 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2017.


InMoTo: Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013.


The OR2 of the “InMoTo” project aimed at developing models and tools for the retrieval and semantic indexing of tourist information using Semantic Web Ontologies and tools.
The performed activities have allowed the creation of components of a complex system that allows: the extraction of information from the Web; structured representation through logical languages of tourist knowledge; the management of terminology and information in the tourism domain, such as lexicons, glossaries and thesaurus; the definition of innovative techniques for extracting information from social media. In particular, languages, approaches, and tools have been defined and applied for:
– The extraction of information, from e-commerce sites (for example,, and from social media (for example, Twitter, Facebook, specialized tourist blogs), relating to the tourism sector with particular reference to Calabria .
– The representation, storage, management and use of knowledge in the form of concepts and terminology in the domain of tourism.
– The processing and querying of data using natural language.

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