The Spoke ‘Multiscale Modelling & Engineering Applications’ deals, on the one hand, with computational aspects related to ‘Multiscale modeling’ and, on the other hand, with the use of HPC and Big Data tools for application in the various fields of Science and Engineering. The objectives range from multiscale modeling of complex cybernetic/physical systems that evolve on multiple scales of time and space to the development of models, algorithms, and codes capable of exploiting the abilities of high-performance computing machines.
The Spoke includes expertise in the development of Digital Twins and model-based design methodologies, and the use of simulation techniques that make extensive use of advanced numerical models implemented at major research centers, and via the intensive use of HPC and Big Data facilities.
The characteristic of this Spoke is the ability to globally address problems that span several disciplined, involving multiple scales (from the sub-nanoscopic scale of electrons and atoms to mesoscale and macroscale), heterogeneous and large datasets, and interdisciplinary and multi-physics approaches, combined with the unique ability to translate numerical and analytical technologies into applications of direct interest and use for different scientific and engineering fields at the national and international level.
Bridging the gap between scales and developing algorithms and codes capable of exploiting the computational power of modern computing architectures is key to the development of enabling technologies for a huge variety of engineering applications with a view to promoting the development of a knowledge-based society.
Decreto n. 1031 del 17 giugno 2022, avviso n. 3138 del 16/12/2021 Fondi europei di Next Generation EU
Application area: Advanced materials and new devices; Big data analytics & AI; Computational fluid-dynamics; Green energy; Life science; HPC for complex systems; Electromagnetic systems
Geographic scope: PNRR
Start date: 1 September 2022
End date: 31 August 2025
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