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Involved Laboratories:

Cognitive Systems;

Big Data Analytics For Personal Health Record

BDA4PHR: Data Analytics for Personal Health Record.

The project was presented as part of the MISE Call for big R&D projects – PON I&C 2014-20 by a partnership comprising 2 large companies and 3 SMEs. ICAR-CNR provides its consultancy to the industrial research activities of the project.

START DATE January 2017
END DATE December 2018


The project aims to define and implement an innovative and advanced platform in the health and wellness fields for the provision of Big Data Analytics services associated with mechanisms for collecting health data on the cloud platform. These services will be aimed at providing a series of important benefits for the user citizens, both directly and indirectly, through micro and macro analyses available for bodies and organizations active in the area. The proposed system will thus also meet the need, explicitly dictated by law, to provide a “”personal record of the patient””, which may be used by the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces, equipped not only with the minimum functionalities required, but also with valuable services added that offer the possibility to advertise and entice the end user to use the tool. Data entering the system can be either textual, biomedical images, biometric signals or structured documents.”

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