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Name: Carmelo
Surname: Mineo
Date of birth: 05/08/1987
Role: Research fellow
Identification Number: 20703
Location: Palermo
Cell phone: +39 333 472 0928

Dr Carmelo Mineo was born in Palermo (Italy) in 1987. He studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Palermo, where he obtained the Bachelor’s degree in 2009 and the Masters degree in 2011. In 2012, with a background in mechanical engineering, laser ultrasound and NDT testing, he joined the Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering (CUE) of the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Strathclyde to undertake a PhD in Automated Non-Destructive Inspection of Large and Complex Geometries of Composite Materials. Dr Mineo became a Research Associate of the University of Strathclyde in 2015 and a Research Fellow in 2018. He has vast experience in industrial engineering areas such as robotics, sensors, mechanical design, software, system integration, interfacing and control. His current research focuses on advanced adaptive robotic systems, programming and real-time control, collision avoidance, instrument interfacing and data collection.

Carmelo joined ICAR-CNR as a Researcher in July 2020. Since he has also been awarded a two-year Marie-Curie Fellowship from the European Commission in March 2020, and he is also currently holding a research affiliation with the Department of Engineering of the University of Palermo, where he is leading research on Robotic Adaptive Behaviours for Non-Destructive Testing Inspections in Dynamic Contexts.

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