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Nuova Pubblicazione: “Internet Of Things For Smart Urban Ecosystems”
La casa editrice  Springer ha pubblicato l’interessantissimo libro “Internet of Things for Smart urban Ecosystems” edito dai colleghi dell’Icar: Cicirelli, F., Guerrieri, A., Mastroianni, C., Spezzano, G., Vinci, A.
Il testo mira a fornire una panoramica multidisciplinare di approcci metodologici, architetture, piattaforme e algoritmi per la realizzazione di uno Smart Urban Ecosystem (SUE) basato su Internet of Things (IoT).
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The main objective of this book is to provide a multidisciplinary overview of methodological approaches, architectures, platforms, and algorithms for the realization of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based Smart Urban Ecosystem (SUE).
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